Monday, September 27, 2010


We spent another day in London and we went to the Globe theatre, which was so cool!!! For all you non-drama people, that's the same theatre that Shakespear worked for. My Dad was really insisted that we also see a play, so we got to have ground space (no seats down their) to watch 'The Merry Wives of Windsor'. Even though standing the whole time was slightly tiring, that was definately one of the best places to be. I was standing so close to part of the stage that one of the womens skirts hit me! It was great fun, and the actors all played their over-dramatic roles very well. All of the art in the theatre was really quite amazing as well, same with the building of the theatre. After that excellent show we wandered around for a bit and saw the Big Ben and the London Bridge (which really wasn't worth it. It is VERY boring). I also got to see the bridge that was in the beginning of "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince". All in all a good adventure :D

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