Sunday, September 26, 2010

Book REview 1: England (I happened to read it first)

Ok, this is one of the things that I have to do for school, so bear with me ;p

Book: Many Waters
Author: Madeleine

This book is in the same series as 'A Wrinkle in Time'. That book gets quite intense with bizarre occurences and complicated scientific terms. This book, however, is a more even compilation of story and science. The story also adds an element of Theology into the mix.

Synopsis: Sandy and Denny play around with their father's scientific project for work. Withought meaning to, they send themselves from a cold, wintery, New England in modern times, to a hot, dry desert that they later find to be thousands of years ago. In this foriegn desert, they find a race of little people. After a family of these little people help Denny and Sandy get well from the terrible heatstroke, they become part of the family.
But the times are changing; with daughters increasing relationships with the mysterious Nephilim and Seraphim, along with father Noah's order from thier god, El, to build an ark in the middle of a desert.
With mini-mammoths, stories of love, and the power of believing, this book is a rare piece of literature. 8.5/10

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