Friday, November 5, 2010

Notre Dame

We went to the Notre Dame for a Sunday service. The Notre Dame is gorgeous! The outside is covered in millions of carvings of the aposles, angels, people, and gargoyles. I kept having flashbacks to 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame'.

But if the outside was amazing, the inside was much more impressive. There are huge arches and even more carvings. There are immence pillars and dozens of windows all filled with ornate stained glass. It was at least 4 stories high inside the main chapel, and I'm sure that there were bell rooms on top of that.

What I thought was really odd was the tourists! They had put ropes around the around all of the chairs making up the pews, because otherwise the tourists would over run the church. Everywhere people were taking pictures. I have no clue how the priests deal with that.

For the service, the main guy at the front spoke in both French and Latin depending on what part of the service we were at. There was this one guy, whose only job was to spread the holy smoke around pretty much everything at the front. I guess you would get pretty good at that. ;D

My favourite part was the choir. It consisted primarly of 2 girls who I think must be collage students, and 2 older guys. Together they all had a unearthly sound. It was exquisite. They were so intricate and it seemed odd to have such voices coming from such slender girls.

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